Indiana Street Garden
16253 Indiana Street, Detroit MI 48221
About the Indiana Street Garden
The Marygrove Civic Commons finds its heart in the Indiana Street Garden, a versatile space that encompasses various elements:
An elevated vegetable garden dedicated to teaching and learning.
An orchard boasting a variety of fruit trees, including apple, pear, cherry, plum, peach, and pawpaw.
Two native plant gardens generously contributed by Garden for Wildlife.
A location for hosting monthly Association meetings during the summer and early fall seasons.
The venue for the Marygrove Community Association Makers and Farmers Market.
A space for enjoyable and cost-free family movie nights.
During the summer of 2023, the Indiana Garden underwent renovations aimed at enhancing accessibility. These enhancements comprised the installation of two concrete service walks, a concrete base beneath the existing pavilion, and the addition of four new raised beds that are ADA-accessible. The Thriving Neighborhoods Fund, a collaborative effort between Strategic Community Partners and the Gilbert Family Foundation provided crucial support for these improvements.
Before 2023 Renovations
After 2023 Renovations
Indiana Street Garden Site Plan
Michigan State Representative Regina Weiss sharing legislative updates at the Indiana Street Garden during a Marygrove Community Association meeting.